Our Standard


The finished products with the popular characteristics can only be outstanding with the use of guaranteed natural casings. From the purchase of raw materials up to the completion of process, we set a high value on our self-imposed quality standards. These are monitored internally and externally on a regular basis.

Our natural casings guarantee an excellent smoke absorption, they preserve the genuine taste of the sausage without the influence of the natural casing and have a crisp bite. They also guarantee cooking resistance, keep the sausage tasteful and fresh, as well as giving it a natural look.

Our company slogan “The Best by Nature” is therefore implemented by more than 100 employees every day.


As a member of a globally operating corporate group, we follow the principles of the UN Global Compact. Therefore, our aim is the ideal use of existing resources, and to continue to adapt the manufacturing process. Due to the maximisation of recycling, re-use and material utilisation, our company is able to implement the targeted complete utilisation of all waste to a large extent. In order to reduce water and energy consumption, set targets are monitored by carrying out ongoing readings, and they are continuously optimised. A major part of this process is the training and motivation of our employees.

The subsidiary CKW Pharma-Extrakt is proof for the effective operation of our corporate group. An appropriate network and the affiliation with the DAT-Schaub Group extend the possibilities for our future orientated use of existing resources.